Conradi+Kaiser - Living Industries

Products oft he world by Conradi+Kaiser


A place for contact and exercise

The urban community of Mödling, Austria, has built a cross-generational playground which has something to offer for everyone. The fact that this project is more than a simple playground, has instantly filled local business people with enthusiasm and made them help to realize it.

You can often understand how much a certain thing has been needed when you look at how people make a dash at it once it is available. This is what happened in Mödling, a small town of about 20,000 inhabitants, about 15 minutes away from Vienna. First of all, the town had built an adventure playground for older children. When they noticed that people came over from neighbouring municipalities, where they mostly had playground alternatives for young children only, Mödling decided to realize a cross-generational place which, in addition, provided adequate infrastructure for such a good use.

The fact that this was exactly the type of place they needed there was also clear to the local business people who, as a consequence, actively supported the project.

Conradi+Kaiser - References - Mödling

Object: Cross-generational park Mödling

Planning and site management: Sanja Turkowic, landscape architect

Outdoor fitness apparatuses: Shoulder blade trainer, squat, back trainer, multifunctional trainer, fitness bike

Playground equipment: aqua, caligo pluma, flecto, domus, librium, navis, seta, ludo

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From impact protection slabs to play and sports equipment